Mundo Novo Commentary Of Tracks by LAVA |
These days, I receive many e-mails from people all around the world.
The theme I had in mind from years back −communicating with people around
the globe through music−seems to come closer to reality.
This album is my second address,
address back to the communication I received.
During the recording, to tell the truth,
I thought about not releasing this album if I felt that the quality would
not overcome "Aile Alegria."
But this album "Mundo Novo" has overcome.
I assure with full confidence.
I was again able to meet and to obtain cooperation from many people.
I would like to take this opportunity to fully appreciate the people
who offered me full support till the end. Thank you all.
Mundo Novo (New World) is not about my music here,
but for people of new generation who would accept my music,
and about a new world I would hope to encounter.
It is my new sense I was able to obtain through continuing to work under
my theme
−communicating around the world through music. |
001: Morena feat. Gema
On the way to the meeting with J-Wave,
this melody suddenly appeared while I was on the bus,
so I called my home from my mobile phone,
and recorded the melody on my house phone.
In selecting songs for the self-compiled album,
to be released in Spring,
I had been asking my boss to note me
if he knew good music of any kind; after the meeting,
he advised me to listen to the album
by Gema & Pavel, the Cuban duo,
and I at once fell in love with the voice of Gema-Morena
is the unison of the melody and the voice
I encountered in the same,
one single day.
Searching for her footprints,
we found out that she was in Madrid,
Spain, not in Cuba, and I already had plans to visit France
and Germany for my brazilectro tour,
so I visited her in Spain to record her voice,
in midst of my DJ tour.
What is in this track, you'll understand
once you take a listen to it.
I was able to reaffirm the beauty of the
collaboration of voice and music, in Madrid.
The day after the recording, Isabel, the manager of Gema,
invited me to her house at night, and Gema
and Pavel played their tracks unplugged, just for me.
The beauty of mined and the singing voice
seems to be in proportion.
I would travel to anywhere around the
world to meet this sense of beauty. |
002: Mundo Novo feat.Wilma de Oliveira
Track used for the title of this album.
The characteristic of LAVA in the sense of track
making would be something like what is in this track.
The music scene I went through,
which seemed very orthodox to the others,
should have something that the listeners of
younger generation now could feel something new about it.
Things that have never been existed, in my opinion,
are not always new; I think the generation-constant
self-belief being accepted to others
as something new-has come.
"New, unfound world" within ourselves is really
the talent that everyone possess from their youth-that's
how I feel now after finish producing this album. |
003: Exit To The Top feat.Donna Burke
New York is the main image. I have never been to New York,
although I have an older brother who lives there.
If "Ride On A Tube," the track from the last album,
is expressing the "tube" in London, this track is expressing
the subway of New York. Lyrics written by Rui,
the youth in mid twenties with 20 years of livelihood
experience in New York. Then Donna, the super,
professional Australian vocalist,
narrated the lyrics in a cool tone.
This track, at first, was made for a TV commercial.
I hope to visit New York late this year or early next year,
to see Michael Jordan, with my own eyes,
playing active probably for the last time. |
004: MISTO
The base of Aile Alegria, the album
which was to be sold only in cafes and small variety store,
had track called "MISTO" in it.
This track was made upon request by a woman,
who manages my friend's bar called MISTO;
this track was, however, rejected because she didn't like it
(this track was only a minute long, composed
with sampled female voices
and bongos-I think I can understand).
Later, this album itself was dismissed;
but I decided to make the track completely new-after all,
I was requested to make the track for them.
This time, Swingo H. River, mainly
know for featuring in tracks
with many artists, brought the track itself-
when I was in a studio for different appointment,
I made him play a grand piano,
and I secretly recorded in DAT while
all the staff was off to the break.
Therefore, I didn't have time to spare for a click,
so I suffered a great deal later
(Protools comes to rescue for such a time like this).
Hope "hate" turns into "like," for her. |
005: Verao No Rio feat. Wilma de Oliveira
Song made from the alluring design
and photo of the sleeve from "brazilectro session 3."
This compilation album includes my track
Vem Para Ficar (f8 spiritual remix), and at the time,
LAVA was introduced in Europe for the first time.
Photo was taken on the seaside in Rio de Janeiro
early in the morning;
the packaging of the album and its contents brought
this compilation album up to the "yokozuna (top)" level.
I showed this photo to Wilma,
and made the lyrics together by asking
her to image the lyrics from looking into the photo.
Looking into "Brazil" from "Europe"
seem to match my style very well.
By the way, the title means "the summer of Rio."
006: A Night In Le Fonque
During my brazilectro DJ tour,
the club in Stuttgart called "Le Fonque"
is the place where I felt close to the Germans the most.
People danced all night in this small club.
When I was playing a House track,
there was a woman who angrily said,
"LAVA is the DJ who plays fantastic music.
Play better music!!"
This tune was produced right after
I came back from my tour in Europe,
using the latest piece of music I came up with at the time.
I put the background sound of cafe in Stuttgart,
what I recorded using a DAT, at the beginning
and at the end of the track.
This track was mixed from the basic track
originally called "Mob In The Moon,
" track made for the fashion show three years ago;
Dunja, my manager of the agency
in Germany liked this track,
so I decided to mix it.
If I were to compare Germans to the music instrument,
I thought they would be saxophone.
I felt the power and the softness of the
woodwind from them.
That's why I put many saxophones into the track. |
007: Love&Joy feat.Donna Burke
I don't remember it well,
but this track might have been the first one
I made for this second album.
The melody itself came up when
I was out for a walk, perhaps.
There are many times that makes me feel depressed,
when I use my mobile phone to call home to record
the melody into the message machine,
and I can't make anything out of the melody
I recorded on the message machine after I listened to it.
However, samba is a kind of rhythm
that makes people so happy.
I remember playing around with the drum sounds
-I think this track is the one I listened the most
throughout the producing process.
I made the lyrics with CLASSY, Tomo, and Kissy-san.
I think the lyrics are fantastic. |
008: Vem Para Ficar
(Brown.Smith & Grey Jazz Scale remix)
Brown, Smith & Grey is the composer/re-
mixer who resides in Hanover,
Germany.Formerly the chat-pals using e-mails,
but I was able to meet them during my Germany tour.
I simply thought they were a group of three,
but it was one, single person.
He paid a visit to my gig in Hanover,
and the very next day when I went to visit his studio,
he introduced me to this remix,
which was still in progress at the time.
I instantly wanted to put it into an album.
Christoph is his name -a moderate,
handsome (an obsolete word!?),
artist type of a guy, by the name of Christophe.
I went on a walk with him, into the
beautiful park in Hanover.
We talked about a future.As I mentioned early,
I would travel anywhere around the world
to meet people like him.His album, I heard,
is scheduled to be released during this year,
so it is my time this time to remix his track. |
009: Swing Me Higher feat.Aundrea Hopkins
This track was originally made for a Japanese vocalist to sing,
but then the project was dismissed,
so I asked Andrea (black female vocalist) to sing.
She told me that this track has the best
"jazzy vibes" in it,
but the voice recording took longer than I imagined.
I was able to establish the new genre,
R&B (Rhythm & Brazil), through producing this track.
Using Samba as the basic rhythm,
it becomes "Rhythm & Brazil" if the track excels
into good vocal track in its final stage.
It all depends on the melody.
I'm planning to gradually spread this "R&B"
(I mean "gradually"). |
010: " I Pine For Gambia "
African friend of mine once told me,
"LAVA should go to Gambia,
and he is sure to love it."
Gambia is a small country located in the Western Africa,
along the Atlantic Ocean.
It originally was a part of Senegal,
a next-door neighbor, and was called Senegal
-Gambia.And so Gambia became independent,
the country is known for having the most beautiful
ocean and the night sky in the world.
I made this track, back in time,
to enjoy the imagination, feeling as
if I were really there, since I didn't have much money then.
Creating a track by totally imagining
about the country that I never set my feet on,
is really amazing; but how would the people of
Gambia think if they ever hear this track?
I, therefore, asked the Gambian percussionist,
Latyrsy, whom I got to know each other recently,
to listen to the track and to add
more flavor of African spirit to it.
At last, he screams "Losing the elders mean
the same as burning the library to ashes.
"I have to visit Africa while I'm alive. |
011: Morena feat.Gema
(John Gaspard Deep Samba remix)
Deep House-mix by John Gasperd,
a new DJ & composer who resides in Paris.
I hardly know about his details,
but I have an impression of him as a
"mysterious mousier."He liked the track,
so he remixed it for me-that's all.
And, I'll be able to add good track to my DJ play list. |